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Trusted ingredients.
Better formulas.
Using the best raw materials and high quality U.S. grown hemp extracts, each batch is manufactured following strict Good Manufacturing Practices. Our goal is to maintain the high quality of our ingredients through a high quality production environment to ensure the best quality product.

Free Delivery
No hassle & safety packed
Ships free within the USA.
Actual shipping cost for international shipping.

Certified Products
Every batch is tested a the results are reviewed by our Quality Assurance department prior to batch release. This is our last quality check to ensure that the product packaged for you is of the highest quality, accurate dosed, and pure.

Professional Team
Our team of experts has extensive Good Manufacturing Practices experience ensuring the best quality product.

About Us
About Us
Exceptional quality is the foundation of our company, and is the driving force behind all decisions; whether it’s which materials to purchase or the best way to serve our customers.
We work in a highly competitive field, so we’re constantly investing in technology and research to make sure we stay ahead of the curve. Our commitment to quality guarantees our success and your satisfaction.

Why Choose Us

The Best Ingredients
Using the finest raw materials and high quality hemp extracts grown in the USA. our aim is to maintain the igh quality of our ingredients.

Using the finest raw materials and high quality hemp extracts grown in the USA. our aim is to maintain the igh quality of our ingredients.

Every batch is tested by our testing partners Green Scientific Labs, the largest ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratory in Florida. Once tested, results are reviewed by our quality assurance department prior to batch release. This quality check ensures that the product packaged for you is of the highest quality, accurately dosed and pure.

LIBERI offers a variety of high quality, hemp derived products (all products are <0.3% THC)

6000mg CBD Isolate with Vitamin D - 30mL
6000mg CBD ISOLATE Oil with Vitamin D
The LIBERI 6000mg CBD Isolate Plus Vitamin D Oil is packed with isolated cannabinoid and Vitamin D purified to ensure the best quality and shelf life, and accurately formulated to deliver 200mg of CBD per mL.
Dosage of 200mg of CBD per mL with no THC.
Dropper holds ~52 drops, delivering an average of 4mg of CBD per drop!
Ingredients: Premium CBD Isolate sourced from US hemp, Vitamin D and Organic MCT oil.
1800mg Full Spectrum 30mL
Our newest offering 1800mg CBD Full Spectrum Oil
The LIBERI 1800mg CBD Full Spectrum Plus Oil is packed with cannabinoids just like mother nature intended and fortified with D8-THC purified extract to ensure the best quality and shelf life, and accurately formulated to deliver 50mg of CBD per mL.
Dosage of 50mg of CBD per mL - Full Spectrum potent and efficient formula
Contains <0.3% THC and approximately 300mg of D8-THC.
Dropper holds ~52 drops, delivering an average of 1mg of CBD per drop!
Ingredients: Premium CBD Full Spectrum oil sourced from US hemp and Organic MCT oil.

Our Promise
Exceptional quality is the foundation of our company and the driving force behind all decisions; wether it's what materials to buy or the best way to serve our customers.
We work in a highly competitive field, so we are constantly investing in technology and research to ensure we stay ahead of the competition. Our commitment to quality ensures our success and your satisfaction. This product has been manufactured following Good Manufacturing Practices and tested to meet stringent quality and purity standards.
These products have been tested and contain a total delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that that does not exceed 0.3% on a dry basis. These products have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Consult a medical doctor before taking this or any other product, if you are pregnant, nursing, have, or suspect to have a medical condition, or are taking any other medications.

Contact Us
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I buy from Brazil?

Preciso de prescrição e receita médica?
Sim, o médico é o profissional responsável por examinar o paciente e prescrever o uso de produtos à base de canabidiol, com base no quadro clÃnico e outros tratamentos já testados.

Quais as informações que devem constar na prescrição médica (receita)?
A receita deve ser legível e conter OBRIGATORIAMENTE: Nome do paciente, Posologia (dose diária especificando a unidade como: gramas, miligramas, mililitros, gotas, cápsulas, centímetros); constando nome Liberi CBD, data, assinatura e número do registro no conselho

Como conseguir autorização para importação por parte da Anvisa?
Nossa equipe e parceiros no Brasil prestam todo suporte para obtenção do documento de importação emitido pela ANVISA. Entre em contato agora mesmo para mais informações.
Contact Us
Product Distributed in Brazil.

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Carefully Manufactured for Gironatto, LLC
(954) 601-4191
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